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Gladiateurs virtuels
Book - 2017 | French Winner, Jeunesse, 2018
Nominees: Paul Roux
Available in some locations
Le petit Abram
Book - 2016 | French Winner, Fiction Adulte, 2018
Nominees: Philippe Simard
Available in some locations
Un souffle de fin silence
Book - 2017 | French Winner, Poésie, 2018
Nominees: Jacques Gauthier
841.54 GAUTH
Available in some locations
Épines d'encre
Book - 2016 | French Winner, Poésie, 2017
Nominees: Christensen Andrée
841.54 CHRIS
Available in some locations
Le lac aux deux falaises
Book - 2016 | French Winner, Jeunesse, 2017
Nominees: Robichaud Gabriel
842.6 ROBIC
Available in some locations
eBook - 2016 | French Winner, Fiction Adulte, 2017
Nominees: Vinet Michèle
Déserts bleus
Book - 2015 | French Winner, Poésie, 2015
Nominees: François Baril Pelletier
841.6 BARIL
Available in some locations
L'oeil du diable tome 1, 1685
L'oeil du diable tome 1, 1685
L'oeil du diable tome 1, 1685
Book Winner, Fiction Adulte, 2015
Nominees: Nicole Castéran
Ski, Blanche et avalanche
eBook - 2015 | French Winner, Jeunesse, 2015
Nominees: Pierre-Luc Bélanger
Catin Basile
Book - 2014 | French Winner, Fiction Adulte, 2014
Nominees: Charles Le Blanc
Available in some locations
1-10 of 49 items
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